Our Plan

At Globalwide we have products to cover everyone, from individuals to families to businesses. Our international health plans will provide you with the medical coverage you need, and the peace of mind that comes with it. All you have to do is choose from the three plans below, each one of them offering a different level of cover, according to your medical needs and all the rest just leave to us. Employers have a special obligation to their employees who relocate abroad. We have dedicated products for that, please look at our Group offerings.

Choose Your Plan


» If you seek peace of mind, in your medical situation
» Plan Highlights
» Emergency/accidental dental treatment
» Inpatient and certain outpatient prescription medications
» Maternity and newborn care
» Office visits and check-ups
» Cancer treatments
» Hospital accommodation and boarding in private room
» Various therapy treatments, such as acupuncture, psychiatric and more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         »Perfect for everyday use. Exceptional quality and choice.
View The Full Plan Benefit


» If you seek peace of mind, in your medical situation
» Plan Highlights
» Emergency/accidental dental treatment
» Inpatient and certain outpatient prescription medications
» Maternity and newborn care
» Office visits and check-ups
» Cancer treatments
» Hospital accommodation and boarding in semi-private room
» Various therapy treatments, such as acupuncture, psychiatric and more
» Perfect for everyday use. Exceptional quality and choice.
View The Full Plan Benefit



» If you only need the basics: hospitalization & inpatient care with limited outpatient care.

» Plan Highlights

» Pain relief dental treatments

» Medicines and drugs for outpatient (limited)

» Cancer treatments

» Semi-private hospital accommodation and boarding

» Outpatient physician consultations including specialists (limited)

» Various therapy treatments, such as acupuncture, psychiatric and more

View The Full Plan Benefit

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